



Grandma, I love you. I always do.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Thank you, My loves...

Ok, i am very busy recently. Hence no update. Have a lot of pictures but i am too busy cant upload.
I have been eating too many this 5 days. Celebrated birthday with friends, family, bf, relatives, etc etc
And tonight i am still going to continue celebrating! How ridiculous!
Pictures will be up very soon lah, 20 years old already cant be so lazy already.

My wish for my 20th birthday is to see

1) Chelsea to come to Singapore.

2) Grandma to come back to visit me.

3) Everybody to be happy and healthy.

4) To pass my piano Exam and be a piano teacher.

Everybody used to say that if wishes were said out, it wouldn't come true. But i don't believe in that because for the past 19 years i didn't say out and it didn't come true also.

Firstly, i want to thank Elton who is always by my side in times of difficulties. He made my birthday very wonderful. Thanks for celebrating my birthday with me and all wishes.Thanks for standing by my side when my grandma went away. Thanks for everything you have done for her and me. Thanks for bringing me to watch sad movie on my birthday. hahahahha
I love u.

Secondly, i want to thank Genevieve Lee Yi Si for sending some "dangerous" letter to my company. She really shocked me.
She made a lot of surprises for me.
Who will dare to stand beside you when your whole body is full of vomit?
And stop saying that i am old. 20 only lah! Thanks for the treat we are going to have tonight. LOL
Thanks for teaching me how to BET SOCCER. PREDICT SCORE. PICK THE SCORE.all the barang barang shit.
Your taste of guys better improve lah. Si bei jia liat. Thanks for telling me to use condom when i never did anything with villa. hahahhaha i "love" you too

Thirdly, min thu. You are really one crazy guy i have seen in my life. You always want to bet soccer with me. You always try to lose me but you win me eventually!!!! !@#$%^&*(*&^%$#
You are the first one who send present to me in July when my birthday is in Aug. LOL.
I know its mouse fault right. hahahah.
Thanks for counting down to my birthday with me.
Thanks for the fun, joy laughter that you gave me.
You know what you buy lah!!!! -_-"

I also want to thank my dad who volenteer to buy Chelsea's jacket for me. I will inform you when Chelsea jacket come lah. hahahah. My mum who bought a SLR camera which cost her, her bonus. Damm expensive but the camera is damm solid. Steady boom pi pi. My youngest sister who always try to sabo me and my birthday and fail. LOL. She decorated my home with happy birthday signs. Aww. How sweet is she. My second sister who hide the present in my room and i can't seems to find it until now. I LOVE ALL OF YOU.

I also wan to thank Sylvia for her "open" gift. Her treat. I love you lah. you know that right.
muack muack muack. You are my best friend for this whole bloody life. I want to see you get marry with the right guy :)

Swee le hinn, you are the most wonderful myanmar girl i ever meet. Always treating me, teaching me myanmar things. You always give way to me. This year you gave me the biggest present.
Thanks for your super duper big dog. i love it.
i love u too. please take care

I want to thank all my aunts, uncles, cousins for giving me all the wonderful presents and celebrated my birthday with me. Even though my celebrations gets smaller and smaller, its really nice to have everybody that love you being around you during special occassions.
Even though grandma is not around you still make it a point to come down.
I sincerely thank all of you from the bottom of my heart.
Thanks for all the gifts and ANG BAO. i love everybody.

Special thanks to kyaw aung. He came online at 12pm just to greet me happy birthday. Awww. Very sweet. You will always be my treasured friend.

Ruina you made an effort to greet me at 12pm which really shocked me. love love.

and to Htet myat, Thanks for your 20 roses. You promise to give me real 23 roses when i go myanmar right? hahhahahah :) Thanks for all the wishes you write. Happy birthday song that you sing. Very cute!!!

Tse ying, thank you for your wishes. muack. Ge tai soon.

Diana, i love you lah! muack.

Cousin Irene, Thanks.

Peiling thank you, love u. :)

My big aunt, thank you!

My god mother, sorry for not being able to attend dinner with you. thank a lot for remember my birthday.

Maung, thanks for your wish.

Brother thurako, Thank you :) May you be happy always too.

Zi Ann, very shocked you remember my birthday :) thanks! Basketball soon lah.

Cheng, thank you.

My two little rabbits and wang cai who there for me 24 hrs a day. 365 days a year.

And everybody else that i missed out. A Big thank you for making my birthday so wonderful and nice.



To : A Special Person
Even if you think i am a toy, I will always be here for you.
If you are sad, i will cheer you up.
If you are angry, i can let you scold.
I am here, always :)
If you wan me to sing, i will.

*upload pictures of my birthday real soon, stay tune.


Some horoscope stuff. Enjoy.

VIRGO - The Perfectionist Dominant ( Aug 23 - Sept 22) in relationships.
Always wants the last word. Argumentative. Worries. Very smart.
Dislikes noise and chaos. Eager.
Hardworking. Loyal. Beautiful. Easy to talk to.
Hard to please. Harsh. Practical and very fussy.
Often shy. Pessimistic.

SCORPIO - The Intense One Very energetic. Intelligent.
Can be jealous ( Oct 23 - Nov 21) and/or possessive. Hardworking.
Great kisser. Can become obsessive or secretive. Holds grudges.
Attractive. Determined. Loves being in long Relationships.
Talkative. Romantic. Can be self-centered at times. Passionate and Emotional.

LIBRA - The Harmonizer ( Sept 23 - Oct 22) Nice to everyone they meet.
Can't make up their mind. Have own unique appeal.
Creative、energetic、and very social. Hates to be alone.
Peaceful、generous. Very loving and beautiful.
Flirtatious. Give in too easily. Procrastinators.
Very gullible.

ARIES - The Daredevil ( Mar 21 - April 19)Energetic.
Adventurous and spontaneous. Confident and enthusiastic.
Fun. Loves a challenge.
EXTREMELY impatient. Sometimes selfish.
Short fuse. (easily angered.)
Lively、passionate、and sharp wit. Outgoing.
Lose interest quickly - easily bored. Egotistical.
Courageous and assertive. Tends to be physical and athletic.

AQUARIUS - The Sweetheart ( Jan 20 - Feb 18) Optimistic and honest.
Sweet personality. Very independent.
Inventive and intelligent. Friendly and loyal.
Can seem unemotional. Can be a bit rebellious.
Very stubborn、but original and unique.
Attractive on the inside and out. Eccentric personality.

GEMINI - The Chatterbox ( May 21 - June 20 ) Smart and witty.
Outgoing、very chatty. Lively、energetic.
Adaptable But need to express themselves.
Argumentative and outspoken.
Like change. Versatile. Busy、sometimes nervous and tense.
Gossips. May seem superficial or inconsistent.
Beautiful physically and mentally.

LEO - The Boss ( July 23 - Aug 22)Very organized.
Need order in their lives - like being in control. Like boundaries.
Tend to take over everything. Bossy. Like to help Others.
Social and outgoing. Extroverted.
Generous、warm-hearted. Sensitive. Creative energy.
Full of themselves. Loving. Doing the right thing is important to Leos.

CANCER - The Protector ( June 21 - July 22) Moody、emotional.
May be shy. Very loving and caring. Pretty/handsome.
Excellent partners for life. Protective. Inventive And imaginative.
Cautious. Touchy-feely kind of person.
Needs love From others.
Easily hurt、but sympathetic.

PISCES - The Dreamer ( Feb 19 - Mar 20 )Generous、kind、and thoughtful.
Very creative and imaginative.
May become secretive and vague. Sensitive.
Don't like details. Dreamy and unrealistic.
Sympathetic and loving. Kind. Unselfish. Good kisser.

CAPRICORN - The Go-Getter ( Dec 22 - Jan 19)Patient and wise.
Practical and rigid. Ambitious.
Tends to be Good-looking.
Humorous and funny. Can be a bit shy and reserved.
Often pessimistic. Capricorns tend to act before they think and can be Unfriendly at times.
Hold grudges. Like competition.

TAURUS - The Enduring One ( April 20 - May 20th) Charming but aggressive.
Can come off as boring、but they are not.
Hard workers. Warm-hearted. Strong、has endurance.
Solid beings who Are stable and secure in their ways.
Not looking for shortcuts. Take pride in their beauty.
Patient and reliable. Make great friends and give good advice.
Loving and kind. Loves hard - passionate. Express themselves emotionally.
Prone to ferocious temper-tantrums. Determined. Indulge themselves often.
Very generous.

SAGITTARIUS - The Happy-Go-Lucky One ( Nov 22 - Dec 21) Good-natured optimist.
Doesn't want to grow up (Peter Pan Syndrome). Indulges self.
Boastful. Likes luxuries and gambling. Social and outgoing.
Doesn't like responsibilities. Often fantasizes. Impatient.
Fun to be around. Having lots of friends. Flirtatious.
Dislikes being confined - tight spaces or even tight clothes.
Beautiful inside and out.

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