



Grandma, I love you. I always do.

Monday, August 4, 2008

My lifetime story

Before i finally pass my 20 year old boundary,
I would like to share something with everybody.
A letter i wrote to my grandma,
I don't know whether she will see the letter or recieved the letter but
I want to tell the whole world how great she is.
i love her, always. :)

A letter to heaven.

Dear Grandma,

A letter from earth to heaven.

A year have passed since you went to heaven, what you left behind are beautiful memories that will never be forgotten.
You are the most beautiful women god gave me.
You taught me things that teachers doesn't teach in school, Integrity.
You made me feel love out of little daily accommodations.
The porridge that you cook for me daily, the Milo that you share with me nightly.
The mid night movies that we secretly watched because you were afraid that mom and dad would reprimand me.

The snacks you share with me each night to make me grow fatter.
I miss the quarrels and arguments we had that will bring us closer thereafter.
The toothless smile you gave that will always brighten my day.
The happiness you gave from the bottom of your heart.

For the pass 18 years, you brought me up with tender loving care.
You shown me how forgiving one human's nature can be when you forgive grandpa for his wrong doings.
You gave me more things then i needed.
You shown me that if money can buy love, its not love anymore. Its pity.

You left me on 17th May 2007, this fateful day.
My heart felt so empty and lonely.
No words could describe the pain in my heart.
But i knew that no words could describe the pain in your suffering too.
I saw your sufferings through my bare eyes.
The way you wanted to scream but you can't.
I couldn't hold you back nor let you leave.
You are so lovable that I knew god wanted to have a piece of you so badly, he won.

Its the first time i saw grandpa teared when you breathe your last.

In front of your alter, i place a little cup of Milo.
I don't know whether you could ever drink that cup of Milo or when will we ever share the same cup of Milo again.
But i know i will be missing you always.
Deep down in my heart you will always be the grandma i once loved, always love, will be loving.

If we were ever to meet again. I'll tell you personally how much i treasure and love you.

Ever since you left, the orchid plant which you took care of is always blooming beautiful flowers.
Strangely, it was always bloom 7 flowers at a time. Dad is helping you to take care of it. Whenever we went to pray you, dad would pluck down the 7 flowers and place it on your urn.
I hope you did see that from heaven.

In the meantime, i will love grandpa like how i love you. I will take care of him just the way you took care of me. I will fill the loneliness you left him with my tender loving care. You have since forgiven him and so do I.

The love i have for you is unexplainable by simple english words.

Till then, when we next meet...

With Love,
Your little granddaughter.

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