



Grandma, I love you. I always do.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Group A - Portugal and Turkey

Ok ok congrats to Turkey!!!

Czech, you played well but not enough well to beat Turkey!!!!
How the hell did you lose to Turkey!!!! You were leading in the first place!!!
I told you, the goal keeper should take MC and stay at home, shouldn't be playing!!!
How did you lose!!!!!!!!! @$#%$^%*(*&&*(*(*&%^&%%$^%$
Turkey played really roughly. kns! knocking all the Czech players and yet you still can win. Same playing method as Holland. Esp number 2. You should buy a comb to comb your messy hair and stop knocking into Kroller!!!!! ass.
kroller played really well, even though he is so old yet all his header are very beautifully done.

Ok what is done cannot be undone, so bye bye to you.

I don't want to watch tonight's match. Its so stress to stay all the way till 3am without sleep and retire to bed only at 5am in the morning. When i have work at 9am!!!
Will germany enter the quater finals????
*pray hard*

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