



Grandma, I love you. I always do.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Recently i read a very interesting news about a Cannibal being hanged in Japan, so i went into research of Cannibal around the world.

You might think i am crazy.


Life is so boring that anything slightly out of the usual routine is being taken as a major news.

So many news report everyday but this caught my eyes. Something that caught my eyes will be utmost interesting if not i won't even bother to read it.

I am very updated one lol !!!

Cannibal, do you know the definition of this word

Its the act or practice of humans consuming other humans.

Which means human eating human.

Unbelievable right, such people do exist and i am going to show you some.

All these cases are proven to be true.

They eat one another just to prove a relationship of naked power over them?


I cant imagine how gross and disgusting it is to eat one another.

Its ok if you say killing one another because of hatred/love or other elements.

But chopping up a person/ slicing a person meat and slowly endeavouring it!!!!!!

What the *toot*

How did they have the courage/temptation/etc etc to make them overcome their mind to eat humans!!!

OK, anyway back to the story of the Cannibals.

Armin Meiwes, the first Cannibal that read up about. Born in 1961 in German. He posted an advertisement on the Internet looking for victim to be slaugtered and consumed. Many people respond to the advertisement but backed out.

Bernd Jürgen Brandes responded to the advertisement. They met up shortly after and carried out their Cannibal act. (RECORDED IN VIDEO)

They met up on the 9 of Match 2001 in Meiwes home. Meiwes amputated Brandes' penis and the two men attempted to eat the penis together before Brandes was killed.Brandes had insisted that Meiwes attempt to bite his penis off.

This did not work, so Meiwes used a knife. Brandes apparently tried to eat some of his own penis raw, but could not because it was too tough and, as he put it, "chewy". Meiwes then marinated the penis in a pan with salt, pepper, and garlic, but by then it was too burned to be consumed.

*totally disgusting, i feel like vomiting right now.

According to journalists who saw the video (which has not been made public), Brandes may already have been too weakened from blood loss to actually eat any of his penis. Meiwes read a book for three hours whilst his victim was bleeding to death in the bath. Meiwes apparently gave him large quantities of alcohol and pain killer, 30 sleeping pills and a bottle of schnapps, finally, he kissed him once and killed him in a room that he had built in his house for this purpose, The Slaughter Room. After stabbing Brandes to death in the throat, he hung the body on a meathook and tore hunks of flesh from it; he even tried to grind the bones to use as flour. The whole scene was recorded on the two-hour video tape. Meiwes ate the body over the next 10 months, storing body parts in his freezer under pizza boxes and consuming up to 20 kg of the flesh.


*His Victim, Brandes.

Next up, Japan Cannibal.

Tsutomu Miyazaki (Aug 21 1962- June 17 2008)

Miyazaki's premature birth left him with deformed hands, which were permanently gnarled and fused directly to the wrists, necessitating him to move his entire forearm in order to rotate the hand.Due to his deformity, he was ostracized when he attended Itsukaichi Elementary School, and consequently kept to himself. Although he was originally a star student, his grades at Meidai Nakano High School dropped dramatically; he had a class rank of 40 out of 56 and did not receive the customary admission to Meji University. Instead of studying English and becoming a teacher as he originally intended, he attended a local junior college, studying to become a photo-technician

Between 1988 and 1989, Miyazaki mutilated and killed four girls, ages four to seven; he then molest their corpses. He drank the blood of one victim and ate her hand.The crimes—which, prior to Miyazaki's apprehension and trial were classified "The Little Girl Murders", and would become known as the Tokyo/Saitama Serial Kidnapping Murders of Little Girls.

During the day, Miyazaki was a mild-mannered employee. In his own time, he selected children to kill randomly. He terrorized the families of his victims, sending them letters recalling in graphic detail what he had done to their children. To the family of victim Erika Nanba, Miyazaki sent a morbid postcard assembled using words cut out of magazines, spelling out: "Erika. Cold. Cough. Throat. Rest. Death."
He allowed the corpse of his first victim, Mari Konno, to decompose in the hills near his home, then chopped off the hands and feet, which he kept in his closet, and which were recovered upon his arrest. He charred the remaining bones in his furnace, ground them into powder, and sent them to her family in a box, along with several of her teeth, photos of her clothes, and a postcard reading: "Mari. Cremated. Bones. Investigate. Prove."
Police found that the families of the victims had something else in common: they had all been bothered by strange phone calls. The phone would ring, but when answered, the person on the other end (presumably Miyazaki) would say nothing; if they didn't pick it up, the phone would sometimes ring for upwards of 20 minutes.

Miyazaki, while attempting to insert a zoom lens into the vagina of a grade school-aged girl in a park near her home, was attacked by the girl's father. Miyazaki fled on foot, but returned to the park to retrieve his car, whereupon he was promptly arrested. A police search of his two-room bungalow turned up a collection of 5,763 videotapes, some containing porn and slasher films. Interspersed among them was video footage and pictures of his victims. He was also reported to be a fan of horror films and have an extensive collection from this genre.

Following his son's arrest, Miyazaki's father, who had refused to pay for his legal defense, committed suicide in 1994.

His trial began on March 30, 1990, during which Miyazaki often talked in a nonsensical manner. He blamed his atrocities on a "rat man" alter-ego of himself, a character which he often drew in cartoon-form for the court. Throughout the 1990s, Miyazaki remained incarcerated while Saitama Prefecture put him through a battery of psychiatric evaluations.

The Tokyo district court judged that he was still aware of the gravity and consequences of his crimes and he was therefore accountable for them, sentencing him to death by hanging .







Another Japan Cannibal,

Issei Sagawa (11 JUNE, 1949)

Issei Sagawa was born as a son of wealthy parents in Kobe,Japan. He was a brilliant student , obsessed with tall Western women and that while studying for an English Literature degree at the University of Paris, he became attracted to a Dutch female teacher. He once said to British reporter Peter McGill that he wondered if he could eat her.

Issei Sagawa served time in a French jail for the murder of the Dutch student Renée Hartevelt, a classmate in Paris. In June 11, 1981, Sagawa was studying literature. He invited her to dinner under the pretense of literary conversation. Upon her arrival, he shot her in the neck with a rifle while she sat with her back to him at a desk, then began to carry out his plan of eating her. She was selected because of her health and beauty, those characteristics Sagawa believed he lacked. In interviews, Sagawa describes himself as a "weak, ugly and small man" and claims that he wanted to "absorb her energy."
He said he fainted after the shock of shooting her, but awoke with the realization that he had to carry out his desire to eat her. He did so, after having sex with the corpse, beginning with her hips. In interviews, he noted his surprise at the "corn-colored" nature of human fat. For two days, Sagawa ate various parts of her body. He described the meat as "soft" and "odorless", like tuna. After two days, he dumped the mutilated body in a park, but was seen in the act. Five days later, he was arrested by the French police. However, the French psychologists found him legally insane and unfit to stand trial. Instead, he was deported back to Japan, where he was put in a institution. However, the deportation order did not specify how long Sagawa must remain in the institution, and Japanese authorities were refused the necessary paperwork from French justice officials.Fifteen months later, Sagawa checked himself out, and has been a free man ever since.

Sagawa now lives in Tokyo and is a minor celebrity in Japan. He is often invited as a guest speaker and commentator.

He admits to still having fantasies about cannibalism, but says he never wants to realize them again.
Besides books about the murder he committed, Sagawa wrote a commentary book Shonen A

* the cannibal
*his victim.

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