



Grandma, I love you. I always do.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thank for the donation.

I want to thank everybody who have contributed clothes to me for the Myanmar Cyclone.
I am very touched when everybody offer to donate their clothes.
I love you guys!!!

But i have to stop collection from now because the Burmese library is full already.


On the side note : I simply don't understand why some ridiculous as* came all the way to my blog to correct my English. -_-"
Don't bother to change nick. Burmese wife, Burmese guy. I can check your id address easily lol lol lol.
Why not change to Burmese mother, father, son, daughter, grandfather or grandmother.haha.

Are you too bored?
I am.

Firstly, its not that my English is really bad. Its just that i love to type it that way. I can type in bombastic English but sadly i choose not too.
So uh-uh. You can't stop me. Lmao
Secondly you made an effort to come all the way to my blog, it shows that you love my blog. Kyay zoo for that.
Thirdly, if you want to comment on my English why don't you post using your own name? Are you afraid?
Or your mother didn't give you a name.

If that is the case, i feel really sad for you.

Just for your knowledge. Singaporean learn British English whereas most other countries use American English.
So please do not try to compare and act as if you are very pro in your English. Get a life.
Unless of course if you are very khant(handsome), yamin(beautiful) or myogyi's relative, i may consider to give you face.
I repeat, I may.
If you want to read post in perfect english go to http://www.channelnewsasia.com/. haha
But if you are interested in my life, i sincerely welcome you back. mwah mwah mwah
Try giving me trouble, i'll give you double.

*p.s. LMAO means laugh my ass out!!!! woooooooooooooo.


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