



Grandma, I love you. I always do.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Chelsea Vs Liverpool . 4-2 (1-1)

Getting ready, players walk out from the changing room. Ballack playing the match so most probably Chelsea will win the match. Woo.. All player look not so well dress, no eye candy.
Location of match at Stamford Bridge London, Chelsea home ground lay!!!!
Out of all the players i think the Gerrard is the most decent looking.
Hand shaking with opponent.
Match about to commerce.

Chelsea Captain : TERRY
Liverpool : GERRARD

Camera focusing on John Arne!! The own goal scorer that help me to win $$$
Match commerce.

1st min : All players look quite relax! No stress no tension lay. Bo steady lay.

2nd min : Joe Cole off side throw in by Liverpool

3rd min : Chelsea possession of the ball most of the time

4th : Martin (Liverpool) knock into Drogba

5th : Chelsea attacking aggressively. Lampard aim and shoots at goal, Reina saved.

6th : Reina save another goal. He is really good at goal keeping

7th : Liverpool aims at goal, save by Ballack golden leg. Chelsea off side

8th : Drogba off side!! again!!Chelsea always offside and offside. TA MA DE!

9th : Torres tried to play solo goal. (shoot) . Goal saved by Reina. Corner kick by Gerrard, Lampard chest butt

10th : -

11th : Chelsea strong attacker Drogba always attacking. Corner by Lampard. Goal saved by Liverpool keeper.
By the way, Liverpool keeper head injuries not fully heal!!!!! Still want to kick soccer.

12th : Spot John Arne tattoo, kinda ugly. haha Chelsea still in more possession of the ball.
Drogba tried to score again!!!!! SAVED BY REINA.

13th : Martin injured his kneel. Liverpool manager agitated.

14th : Torres gets free kick because he was leg lock by Ricardo.
Human wall form, Torres shoot from 27m (shooottttttt). Never score

15th : Macdonald's delivery is here. -_-"
Come at the stupid time!!!!!

17th " Torres look sibei stress, Essien throw in.

18th : Drogba still attacking strongly, (shoottttttttttt), hit the side of the goal pole missing by 2.5m!!!! What a waste!!! He still need to train on his aiming man.

19th : Chelsea so far tried to score 5, 2 on goal. Liverpool 2, 1 on goal.

20th : Drogba playing real well, a little worried for Reina safety.

21th : Kalouhead butt by Liverpool. Daniel tried to score but missed. Save by Reina.

22th : Yossi tried to score but failed. Totally out of aim. The eyes stick stamps meh? cannot see the goal pole where meh.. !@#$%^&

23th : Liverpool in possession of ball, Chelsea manage to tackle.

24th : Liverpool tried to score, saved by Chelsea keeper

25th : Ballack SHOOOTSSSSSSSSSSSSSS............(saved by REINA). isn't he man of the match? I will honour him with Man of the match.

26th : Corner by Gerrard

27th : Drogba pushes Yossim referee blows the whistle.

28th : Throw in by Terry

29th : Kalou hits the ball out with the stupid big head of his!!!

30th : Referee raise the bloody hand for nothing. i thought offside again.

31st : -

32nd : Ashley tried to score, save by Reina, Drogba charge forward using his golden leg and SCOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE THE FIRST GOAL OF TONIGHT! GOALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!! VERY BEAUTIFULLY SCORED. i told you black guys play real fast and well.

33th : -

34th : Some crazy audiences dancing away for Drogbra. Some sort of snake dance lol.

35th : Liverpool manager is having tension now. looks very peace off.

36th : Just mention that Liverpool goal keeper was not bad, next few minute then let Chelsea score!!! -_-"

37th : Chelsea's manager whole face is black like shit!! His team score goal, don't know how to smile a bit meh! Chelsea offside, Throw in by Liverpool

38th : Gerrard knee on the floor because Drogba trip him. Knee damm pain i think but referee never give free kick lay. So kelong, cb.

39th : Reina kick in, kick bloody far.

40th : Yossis kanna yellow card. Orbi good!!! Ballack shoots and hit the goal pole beside the net almost helping Chelsea to score another goal. But too bad aiming slightly out.

41st : -

42nd : Chelsea Joe offside, Chelsea total offside 5, Liverpool 0 -_-"

43rd : Seriously i think Chelsea goal keeper should not play, his hand is machiam like hamburger still wan to be goal keeper, what if kanna bang the head again? He must be thinking he is Shao Lin Soccer the "tie tou gong" WTH.

44th : Goal keeper kicks in.

45th : Liverpool tries to attack before half time is up

Refree blows whistle.

-Switch to WWE, the fighting skill is not so good anymore, last time use to chokeslam, and take chairs all these. Now the fighting is like shit. See already also not shiok at all. No kick.But the underwear is damm chio and sexy. *drools* *CHOKESLAMS*


The rain is getting real heavy, Gerrard kick off.

45th : Field is damm slippery, how do they run like that? Keep falling down.

46th : Chelsea still in possession of the ball most of the time.

47th : Fergie walk into the audience crowd and sat down. -_-" I think he want to come and spot check which team will play against Man U for the final. Which is his team lol. Come and show off a bit.LOL

48th : Steven shootss, did not manage to score, save by goal keeper. Drogba saves another.

49th : Essien trip by Liverpool player.

50th : Free kick for Liverpool

51th : Liverpool top scorer, 27 goals in all

52th : Lampard dribble to Drogba, and Drogba pass the ball back to him, Lampard shoots, Reina saves the ball again.

53th : -

54th : Terry dribble too fast, off field.

55th : Chelsea seems to be delaying time.

56th : Liverpool doesn't seems to be playing well

57th : Drogba doesn't seem to be attacking 2nd half. lagging

58th : 21 trips 17. kelong man, no free kick.

59th : Terry don't seem to be thinking of how to attack

60th : 21 trips 17 again, no free kick, damm kelong. ta ma de, referee damm kelong.

61st : Throw in by Lucas.

62nd : Ballack head butt off field.

63rd : Joe try to score again, save by Reina

64th : The ball is pass to Torres,and he SHOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!

65TH : -

66TH : Liverpool kick the ball off field but still get the change to throw in!!!

67th : Camera forcusing on Man U manager again.

68th : Liverpool tried to score serveral times but unable.

69th : Essien shoot from half field, Reina saved.

70th : Liverpool fans getting very very high!!

71th : -

72th : Chelsea manager manage to move his damm body

73th : War is roar at 1-1

74th : Essien try to clear and score, didn't manage

75th : -

76th : Essien try to score again, ball hit the pole. NEARLY!

77th : Chang player 11 to 16. Liverpool

78th : Gerrard pass ball to Makalala( nice name ) and he try to shoots but shoot off to audience.

79th : again!

80th : -

81st : Terry try to score , save by goal keeper

82nd : Ballack not doing well

83rd : Drogba loses ball to Liverpool player.

84th : Chelsea number 3 throw in.

85th : Corner kick by Lampard, Reina hit the ball out

86th : Liverpool foul

87th : -

88th : Garrard fall down again, so clumsy.

89th : Last few minutes, Chelsea throw in, last chance to score.

90th : Chelsea off side

91th : Two minute injury time over.




5TH MINUTE : Essien scoressssssssss. Replay, offside. -_-" So many players offside, goal not counted

7th MINUTE : Lampard scored, Reina duck wrong side!!!! 3-2 Lampard scores 3 goals in 10 matches already.
Super pro.

14th : shoots.!!!!!!!!!!!! Drogba scores for the 2nd time!!! Reina looks like he is going to faint. 4-2

game ends.

Chelsea wins!!!!!
Grunt is damm happy until he is kneeling down.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks to :

I am very very tired because the match finish at 5.30am!!!! Can you imagine the match last for like 2 and the half hour.
I went crazy during the match and i shout Arsenal Arsenal shoot shoot!!! hahaha
i thought that Liverpool was Arsenal because they were wearing red. I think i was too tired because i did not even sleep for the whole night!!!!

Ok enough i type until want to die already!!!!!

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