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Monday, May 5, 2008

36 prisoners killed in Insein prison

On Friday at around midnight, tropical cyclone Nargis started its assault on Burma. The storm also hit Insein prison in Rangoon. As a result of strong winds, many zinc roofs atop of Insein prison were torn off, one after another.

Due to the destruction in one area of the prison, around 1,000 prisoners were forced to congregate inside main prison hall no. 1. No one was allowed to seek safety, and they were locked inside the hall. The prisoners were wet and cold and some of them started a fire to try and keep warm. Unfortunately, the fire began to give off thick smoke, burnt down and prisoners panicked. The situation escalated and chaos ensued.

In order to control the situation, soldiers and riot police were called in. They opened fire on the prisoners in that area. 36 prisoners were killed instantly and around 70 were injured.
“It is merciless and unnecessary actions to shoot. It is brutal and we would like to have independent investigation on that matter” said Tate Naing.

As far as we know, no political prisoners died during the crackdown. However, 36 prisoners were needlessly and unlawfully killed by the prison authorities in the early hours of Saturday May 3, 2008.

Assistance Association for Political Prisoners, Burma
For more information:
Contact to Ko Tate Naing at 66-81-2878751
Ko Bo Kyi at 66-81-3248935


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