



Grandma, I love you. I always do.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Kachin state. (Jingpo or Jinghpaw)

Its been a long time since i blog about Myanmar, so here it goes.

i ♥ Myanmar

Kachin state which is known as Jingphaw Mungdaw is the Northern state of Burma.
Shan state is at the south.
The total area of Kachin is estimated to be 34,379 sq ft miles.
Myitkyina (89,041 km²) is the capital of Kachin state.
The highest mountain in Myanmar is located at Kachin state.
The mountain named Hkakabo Razi standing at estimated 5889m, forming the southern tip of the Himalays, and South East Asia’s largest inland lake,Indawgyi Lake.

Majority of the people in Kachin are ethnic KACHIN which also otherwise known as Jinghpaw.
Other ethnic groups such as Shan and Bamar are also living within this area.

Land in Kachin are predominantly for agriculture. Mineral products such as Jade and gold mining can be found there. But main ones are rice and sugar cane.

*there is snow in Kachin too!!! Its beautiful.
The first place i want to visit when i reach Myanmar will be Kachin.

Kachin handmade cloth.

Kachin traditional wear.
I like the hat, i find it so pretty!!!
Cute little couples.
Sweet, isn't it?
Kachin couple getting married.


I think their traditional wear is rather heavy but its the most beautiful traditional wear among all the races and ethnic groups in Myanmar .

Guy's wear.
Even their bag is also handmade. How creative they are!!!

Cute little girl.
Why does man have to carry a sword?
Is it because it shows bravery?

Pretty little girl.
Kachin dance. Handmade instruments.

Self-tuning of instruments.

Baby girl, isn't the clothes too heavy for her?

Old granny, This picture is well taken. I don't know who is the photographer as all pictures are taken from the internet.
Credits to everybody i taken pictures from.

Old traditional wear. Looks like African costume.

Kachin, beautiful right?

It is.

I ♥ Myanmar for everything it has. Everything it was. Everything it were.

And everything it will be.



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