



Grandma, I love you. I always do.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

When you are damm bored in Singapore............

When you are damm bored in Singapore, where do you go?

Get your tickets, ($42.00, to and fro)

Tickets ready!!!

Boarding pass ready!!!!


Off you sail to BATAM!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.............
The small sunny island.

Boarding GATES!!!

Duty free shop~~~ VODKA, MARBOLO, JACK DANIELS~~~~~~~~

You want what they got what..........

Safely float on the ship.

Release the rope and off we go to Batam~~~~~~~

Off from shore.

See the beautiful cloudy skies!

So amazing, how could the sky be so beautiful. magnificent.

Hold your breathe and...
Fly away from the worries,
The troubles~

Breathe in the fresh air of the sea~

Look at the little island, how wonderful can they be.
Island life, my dream life.
The huge waves~

Light house

Checkpoint in Batam

Wonder how my handphone can take so cool pictures!

Pretty, Pretty, Pretty

The boat we were on before we were transfer to the gambling boat!!!
. Las pic.


Its my first time going to Batam, I always thought Batam was a boring place. We went onto the Casino Boat, quite an eyes opener. We transit from a smaller boat to the bigger one. It takes about 1 hours before we finally reach the Casino boat.

Everybody is smoking inside the boat and its damm smelly lah!!! Genting is much much much more beautiful but no pictures allow inside. Its really big compare to this. Everybody should go Genting's Casino for at least once in their life. Its really fun, i am not saying the gambling part. I am saying the place and the decorations.

I won a little money. haha

Anyway gambling is bad lah, please don't learn.

Go to Batam if you are bored, no regrets.

The night trip back is really really really beautiful, I don't know how to describe it in words but the whole sky is filled with shimmering, gittering stars.

Millions of stars filled the empty sky, making it so ......

My hp did not have enough battery to capture that moment.

I must go back for another trip real soon!!!!!

Batam here i come~~~~

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