I bet 100% of you people don't know about my past. LOL LOL LOL.
or maybe you didn't want to know.
But never mind, since i am so free i shall recap some of my past experiences. You might never have experience these in your whole life.
even if you have, it will not be the same as mine.
so so so,
My life is just like any other humans out there. BORING, plain, uninteresting.
I think every body's life is like that unless you try to make it interesting.
i said "try".
If you don't try, you will just have to stay with the boring life of yours.
I always love trying out new, advantageous stuff that people wouldn't think of doing.
Like leave Singapore and go to Myanmar to stay for the rest of my life.
That's quite impossible.
Ok, come back to my experience.
During my secondary school days, life was so boring. Sleeping in class was a common practice for everybody.(including me)
So one fine day, i went to a community center near my place and decided to take part in a sport.
A sport that rarely people will think about esp girls.
I took up LION DANCE.
Let me show you...

Lion dance is a traditional dance all the way from china.
The motive of the dance is to bring out the lion's movement graciously. FIERCELY.
Every movement must be very swiftly done. Each and every step must be very precise.
Every details must be taken note of.
Each individual lion has their own characteristics.
Different colours of the lion's skin stand for different meaning, different occasion.
For the first time i step into the association, I was totally clueless about what i am in for. I didn't know that in lion dance, I could learn things which I will never learn outside.
One very important thing in lion dance is TEAM WORK.
Without teamwork, a troupe doesn't' function as well as one with teamwork.
I got to know many news friends whom taught me lots of new things, like playing the symbols, jumping on wooden stool, holding the breathe, holding the lion head etc etc
* the lion head is damm damm dammm heavy. I always thought it was very light until i really hold it. It felt like 20 kgs!!!!
And of cause not forgetting my instructor whom i always make fun of. haha
* that is all in the past. i used to prank call him during April fool. LOL LOL LOL. he will be worried sick because of the prank.
My dad used to disapprove of me going for lion dance because he said all the people in lion dance were gangster!!!! Which i totally disapprove. They were friendly people, non of them were gangsters. :)
My dad always thinks that i mix with wrong group of people, esp when most of my friends are smokers.haha. I don't know why most of my friends are smokers esp when i hate the smell of smoke.
Maybe its the heart that counts?
That is not the main point. The main point is my lion dance association is located in Geylang.
If you are a Singaporean, you will know where Geylang is. If you are not, let me explain.
Geylang is Singapore's red light district. Which means at this place you will find lots of hookers(prostitute) standing along the street waiting for guys to "buy" them up to the hotels!!!
Their dressings are very skimpy. Some hardly even cover they assets. Which means you can see everything inside lah!!!! Must i explain so clearly!!!!!!
Guys will have to pay them money for them to accompany you for the night, as in "sleep" with you for the night.
So, the lion dance association which i happened to join was located along the street. My parents were dead dead worried for me! And my training times were late at night. hahahah
Double their worrying hearts. hahahahah
But of cause they couldn't stop me. If you know me, you will know that nobody can stop me from what i want to do.
I am very stubborn. hahaha. But that is a talent lah.
So i join this club in 2004 Jan.
It was fun.
Every time i had a performance, i would perspire like crazy. You can easily see my whole face covered up with water during the performance. I have stage fright lah.
Imagine so many people staring at you, (maybe they did not). My first performance was at an anniversary event. I remember i nearly fainted after that performance.
After a few round of performances, i got used to everything.
*photos below are taken from the Internet.
*i love "black skin" lion, i find them very fierce and brave. But its usually used for inprosperous event . eg. funeral wake.

Purple : for happy occasion. maybe celebrations, etc etc

This was my Group that i was performing with during 2004.

One of Singapore's most popular group. NAN XIAN

Red lion are often use for happy occasion like celebrating new year, vesak days, anniversary. etc etc

Lion walking the bridge are part of the performance which brings out the lion's bravery.
Want to see my group pictures?
Try and spot me!!!!
no prizes thou.
* i no longer like lion dance. :)
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