



Grandma, I love you. I always do.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Boring Life

Life have been pretty boring so far without soccer and everything else.
I don't really know what is the everything else but just fill in the blanks yourself.

LIFE _ _ _ _ _

No prizes for correct guess.

Life was so bored until i decided to leave my house for the night. I went out to shop for the whole night. And bought lots of things which is NOT NECESSARY!!!
WTH man, money have not come in yet and keeps going out!!!!!

Anyway, i bought shirt, pants, jeans, jacket, belt. -_-"
And i have so many of them already and i kept buying and buying!!!
Somebody please stop me!

Had a fun time talking to Aung every night because he makes me laugh non stop!!!!!!
Come to Singapore soon
I can treat you to lots of WATT THAR HINN!!!!!
And roller coaster rides!!!! I am so excited lay!!!!!
come fast!!!

Oh and by the way mention of my job makes me blood boil.
i cant say anything here in case people that was no suppose to read my blog reads it.
So :X

Whether is it, good thing is that there is soccer tonight which makes me so happy.
Germany Vs Turkey.
Of course i support Germany lah. I don't like wild chickens.
But i like Spain best lah, my Villa is there.
My blog is like super duper no link.

By the way, one of the vessels in Philippines sank at sea.
Its quite sad because there a quite a number of casualties and still many not found.
Please bless them.
And why was the ship allow to go out when they knew that the current and wind was too strong?

*Many people in this world are overcome by the temptation of money that they overlook many important aspect of life.

Anyway i am glad that i am on leave this friday, and i don't have to face the people in the office. LOL Schweigner's gf i am not saying you.

Ok, lets hope Germany wins and Spain wins.
blah blah blah.

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