I did something ridiculous again.
i know i know, its not the first time.
i walked passed a boss office.
not my boss's.
i think he is kinda high ranking in the company.
from actuarial dept if i am not wrong.
head of actuarial!
so i saw a Liverpool jersey inside his office, framed up on a wall.
it actually had a signature on it!!
come on, its not common to see jersey being signed!
i decided to be a little brave
and walk back to the room
i knock on the door
" can i come in to see the Liverpool jersey!"
I am such a brave person i realised.
He actually welcome me!!!
Such a nice boss!!!
I want to transfer to actuarial can??
He asked me if i like Liverpool.
obviously, i hate hate hate Liverpool can!!!
i wanted to tell him how liverpool win Chelsea by luck!!
tyco only!
but i just answered him :" i am Chelsea's fan"
actually i wanted to answer :" i am Chelsea's manager"
but i think its kind of weird talking to a big boss like that.
so i self-control.
and guess what!!! Torres signed on the jersey !!!!
My god, even i don't like Liverpool but torres is such a famous gay i don't mind him signing on my clothes!
But of course i prefer Drogba's or Villa's.
I feel like asking him to give me the whole frame with the jersey!!
i must try to be good friends with him already.
and to show that i love Chelsea more then he loves Liverpool,
i am going to bring lots of Chelsea stuff to work!!!
The first thing, wear Chelsea jersey to work tomorrow~~~
thinking of it makes me real excited!!!
By the way, i told him that Liverpool is coming to Singapore and he knows about it!!!
Should i like jio him to go and watch the match together?
thinking of it makes me go crazy again!!!!
my imagination is going wild! always like that!!
self-control please.
Going to get Liverpool shoes next month!! Damm excited because i can get a chance to throw the shoe for them to sign!!
and i can wear Liverpool on my legs and curse and swear for them to lose the next EPL or champ lea.
enough of nonsense.
good night, baby.
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