I bought my football boots!!
la la la la la!!!

Gold pump football boots.
Its been a long time since i wanted to buy football boots and like finally!!!
But i am kinda of sick!
Of course not the swine flu , for god sake!
I love my football boots!
Now my world only evolve around football and nothing else matter really much.
Love is such a troublesome thing, i rather not have it.
I have so much things to say but i don't know where should i start from.
A broken heart can never be heal completely.
I won chelsea match yesterday. Chelsea kinda trash Arsenal 4-1 and one of the goal is OG.
But i lost BACA match because the final result is only 3-3
I think BACA can score way more then that.
and i have to earn more money this month because i have a lot of things to buy.
Going to buy customize hoodie with manfred damm excited don't know want to write what on the hoodie.
probably, DROGBA?
Fixed a broken heart or it may never learn how to love again.
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