



Grandma, I love you. I always do.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Life is a fragile little thing, please handle it with care.

Life is a fragile little thing .
So many disasters, so short a period of time.
So many lives taken, so many heroes given.
So many troubles happen, so little aid driven.
So many angels eaten, so many devils hidden.
This poem is dedicated to all those heroes who stand up bravely during times of need.
I truly salute to you from the bottom of my heart.
Heroes are given,
From angels in heaven.
Often, we know that life is short.
But we don't usually put in the effort to make the best of our life.
Not until trouble comes,
Not until sacrifices are made.
Then only will we human wake up from the greed, wealth the many many temptations that cause our fellow humans beings suffering.
Proverb " Always put others before self", how many of us can actually carry out the meaning in this proverb.
We always blame others because of "this and that", but never look upon our self for the mistakes.
I used to believe in god.
I use to believe that praying will solve everything.
I am wrong.
After sometime i realise, god only help those who help themselves.
God do not make you a hero from zero.
God only make you a hero if try to be one.
I used to think, God will help me in everything that i wanted, needed.
I was wrong again.
I learnt that, everything i wanted and needed have to be earn by myself, by my both hands.
Not god's hand.
I was very angry with God because i think he made everything so unfair.
Including life.
He/She make so many obstacles for a simple human. Like me.
But now i learnt that all the obstacles made me grow up.
From a girl, into a lady and maybe a women next time.
It made me wiser.
Life is very tiring, if you want it to be tiring.
Life is happy if you want it to be happy.
Life is in your own hand.
So i look to the bright side of life.
And enjoy being happy, laughing my days away.
Always think of the many less fortunate people and trying comparing yourself with them.
People suffering everyday.
Living without food, without family, without home.
Who is the one that has unfair life ?
God is indeed fair after all.
I was a happy little girl.
Until the Myanmar Cyclone came.
I thought back.
Why was God behaving like that?
Why is God making so many people suffer?
Why is God taking back so many angels?
I asked myself many times.
I couldn't find the answer.
Everyday the news will only be fill with increasing death, increasing homeless,
All the sad and heart wrenching news.
All the news that people don't want it to appear.
Until one day,
I read the news :" Burmese are helping out their own survivors instead of waiting for the aid to even reach"
"Monks not eating to let the old and children eat"
These heroes touched me.
They touched me deeply. And i truly respect them for their courage and determination.
And i knew the answer.
God wanted to test the people in the country.
He/She wanted to see for himself who are the heroes and who are the devils.
God wanted everybody to contribute their kindness.
God wanted everybody to treasure the people they love.
God made them learn, the more united they are, they stronger they will stand.
I am sadden by the amount of lives that the disaster have taken.
The amount of angels that have gone to heaven.
But you show us who our actual heroes are.
The hidden angels.
Who are the ones that will stand up for the people in need.
God make us learn from mistakes.
A person that never make mistakes never learns.

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