So meanwhile let other pictures entertain you.
Since now is Thingyan,
Let me show you Myanmar national flower...

Guess what's the name of the flower?
Pterocarpus indicus
Other nick name for it : Burmese Rosewood, Cibicibi, Sang Dragon, Padauk or Padouk
The flower represents : Youth, Love, and Romance
The tree : Strength
Yellow flowers blooms during April with a fragrant scent, which is also when they celebrate their New Year. *Thingyan

This is how Myanmar celebrate Thingyan!!! Much more fun then in Singapore. But the main point of this picture is the WATER GUN!!!

*This is one of the best photograph i found in the Internet taken by Eric Lafforgue. All his photographs are drop dead gorgeous.
View it here.
Wanted to contact him to purchase but didn't manage to get him.

This is my favourite Myanmar food. The groundnuts with tea leaves.
I really love this.
It is called : myay bel
I pronounce it as : M-I-A BAY.:P
*min thu taugh me. if wrong spelling. !@#$%^&* zoo kyay.

* It is really really delicious. You can get it from Pensular Level 3
only if you are in Singapore!
Thinking of it makes me real hungry. :(

Pretty is also unknown as Hla Hla in Burmaese.
*taught by min thu, :P
* I think this is a kind of desert like Chendol. Tried it before at penasular but i forget what it is called.
Taste really sweet. Its quite popular desert in Myanmar.
Except for the egg pudding inside which taste like.......... :(
* I don't know what is this because the pictures are taken from the internet.
Somebody tell me!!!

* This young lady here is pretty. alright.
*trishaw rider.
*Traditional Wear
*Cute guys again!!! *drools*
* I don't know what festival.
* Cute.
If i am ever going to Myanmar, I am going to get this hat.
Its so pretty. Ka chin race. min thu told me.
OK done for now, wait for my Thin gyan pictures.
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