Ok, its time for posting again.
I bet you can guess who this person is on the poster!!!!
The moron.Who make Man U draw with Barcelona. And who make my money say bye bye to me.Not to worry, its not about soccer this time because all the matches are on Sat and Sun which means I will be busy watching soccer on Sat and Sun nights.
Hence i will go back into writing about Myanmar, My love.
But i have to mention one thing, yesterday Bayer Munich Vs St
Petersburg. Bayer Munich score own goal!!!! What the
!@#$#%$&%^**. It seems like its very popular to score own goal now a days. All the teams like to make the results draw and make the whole match more exciting.
Quite ridiculous though.

I love Myanmar, the
golden land.
I am pure Singaporean, hence i didn't know why did i actually fall in love with MYANMAR.
My friend said maybe i was from Myanmar the previous life?
Whether i am or not, it doesn't really matter because i love Myanmar now.
The people, The culture, The knowledge, The wisdom.
Do not ask me why do i love Myanmar so much.
I don't really know it myself.
But i have seen lots of picture of Myanmar and it is really fascinating.
Incredibly beautiful.
I have friends from Myanmar and they treat me really nice. I find their personality and character different from Singaporean. The are shy in nature maybe because of their traditional culture but after interacting with them for a period of time, i find they take friendship really serious and make friends from the bottom of the heart. Using real friendship essence, LOVE & CARE.
I have to emphasis, they are really really really nice people to mix around with.
I am really proud to have many friends from Myanmar.
Other may look down on them because they come from a poorer, a more undeveloped country.
I LOVE THEM TO THE CORE. ♥People walk in and out of your life. How many of them actually leaves footstep behind?
We will only grow as we learn. Learn as we go.
I have never been to Myanmar once in my 20 years of life, but i hope one day, i will.
All those information i got about Myanmar are from the Internet, the news, the television, my friends, the papers and books.
I hope one day i will go to Myanmar and experience every single thing myself.
Every festival, Every events. The laughter, the joy.The tough life.
To travel the unknown areas, provinces.
To love Myanmar. more.
Life is short, LEARN, EXPERIENCE and GROW.
Walk out of the city, the town.Breathe on a whole new world,
Myanmar National Flag.

The State Flag is rectangular in shape and its background colour is red with a dark blue canton at the top left corner.
A pinion and ears of paddy encircled with fourteen white stars of equal size have been superimposed on the dark blue field of the canton. The centre of the pinion coincides with the centre of the blue canton. The pinion has fourteen cogs of equal size and within it are two ears of paddy consisting of 34 grains.
At the top of each cog of the pinion is a star with five
vertices. The paddy represents the peasants while the pinion stands for the workers who form the majority of the people in the country, 14 uniform white stars symbolize the equal status and union spirit of the 7 States and 7
Divisions that constitute the Union of Myanmar.
Of the three colours of the flag, red signifies courage and decisiveness, white signifies purity and virtue and dark blue signifies peace and integrity.

The beautiful sunset in Myanmar. Magnificent.

*The Pagoda, Speechless.

*See how beautiful it is. Picture paints a thousand word. This picture, paints million.

*The sunset. This is beautiful. Amazing. The best thing i ever saw. I wish i could see it in real life.

*See this kid smiling? This is happiness, right from the heart.
No wonder everybody used to say, Children are the best angel from god.
No worry, no anger. Just peace and happiness.

* The smile, so innocent and sweet.
Can you feel it? Its from down inside, the heart.

*Cute little boy. Angel sent from god.

*Small but big at mind.

Beautiful, isn't it?
See the smile? So real, so smitten by her sweet looks.

*Crying, emotions from human?
In life, don't you feel so many times that you wanted to cry out loud, but can't? Because you are probably too embarrass crying as an adult?
A child can cry and laugh freely, isn't that wonderful?
No worries, No hated.

* Simple things in life are actually the best.
Live simply.

*An ice cream could keep him happy for a day.
Ever wonder what could keep you happy for life?
*The sweet innocent smile, what an angel.

*What do this young boys turn out to be in the future?

*Laughter is the best medicine.
It really cures.

*Everlasting smile.

*What could keep them so serious?

*Siblings? Cousins? Look at how cute they are!!!

* All this young kids looking so mature like young adults.

* Friend makes the best companions, agree?

*Young kids. Many angel sent from god.
God is fair after all.

*Even uncle in
myanmar can be so cute.

*Is that a water cow?
If i ever see it, i will be the first to run. I am scared of Water Cow!!!
Kids are so brave now a days.
*Playing soccer. Its really great when you have great friends, great game.


*Showering in the middle of street?

*Parents are essence of life.

*Playng games.

*Welcome to the jade place.

* Take note, Many handsome Myanmar working in Jade place.


*Handsome or not? MY mouth is dripping water now. HAHA.


*Sweet smiles.

*Work as you live, live as you work.
Young at heart.

* Transportation in Myanmar. Dangerous but interesting.

*Old and young.

The people of Myanmar. Harmony.

*Street store.

*Guys are forever playful. :P

*Ok picture below.
I think this guy is really really really handsome. Can somebody tell me where he lives?
He is really so cool, handsome and charming...
My heart is beating so fast! haha

* Transportation.

*Food in Myanmar.
If given the chance, i will try all the food.

*This looks scary but i think its delicious.
Look like alien.

* When everybody eats together, its enjoyment.

* All these fried stuff look so nice.
I want, I want!!!!!!

*Shops in Myanmar. Puppet Shops.

* Street Shopping. How nice.
In Singapore its called, Pasa Malam. Wonder what they call it in Myanmar.
Malam pasa?

* Book store.

* I would buy lots of book if i happen to be there.

*Pouring milk. Skillful huh?
I also can do.
Come to Singapore and i will show you my skill.

* Roti Pranda?
What do you call this in Myanmar?
Look delicious.

*Street Market. So many variety.
Myanmar is beautiful.
Now do you agree with me? I bet you do.
Do you know why am i so in love with Myanmar now?
Pictures tells a thousand tale.