Hello people. i am still alive.
i have been rather busy because i just given birth to two very adorable children as picture above.
those two are elton's nephew and niece.
i hope they are mine! seriously i cant get enough of them.
They can make me laugh non stop.
i told elton i want to bring them out during weekend, don know their parents will allow me to do so or not.
anyway, life have been quite ok.
pretty boring because no longer hangs out with gang.
sometimes i really find some people to be rather hypocrite. they just simply look down on people. i mean, nobody is perfect so whats the point of doing that and get yourself upsad.
what do you really really gain at the end of the day?
one lesser friend?
throughout my 21 years of life, i think sylvia and gen are the best friends i could find.
they don put on a mask or act high class when we hang out. we laugh and joke anything under the sun and practically they can accept all the rubbish from me.
swee is also anyone who will always be there for me.
and myo zaw, i just realise that even though i am not attracted by you, you are really a very nice friend. you just don know how to present yourself in a proper way. and i really really like the birthday present you gave me. please treasure the girl and show me more of her pics!!! hahahah
life is really unpredictable, i cannot forsee what is going to happen the next minute.
i am so scared that i will regret things that are not yet done.
people who are nice to me and i didnt thank them.
to elton, i love you. i think i am stuck with you for life. i have since resign to fate and this time i hope you really change for the better even i know leopard wont change its spot but its ok. as chinese people mention, marry the pig, follow the pig. LOL LOL LOL unglam way to put but whatever it is. i love u.
to sylvia, don worry, not gonna change my love for you. i will sure let you be my bride maid as promise unless you go back to indo.i hope we can really find a new gang to hang out with (not andrew and man!) i hope one day you can find somebody better and nicer then him. but if in the end you still end up with him, i will still stand by your side because i know your love for him didn't die, it just freeze with time. i will always pray for you.
to gen, please don get into the gay thingy! best football kaki ever! nobody can ever love drogba as much as you and me.whahahhahaah
to my sis who is always around in times of trouble and tell me uncle is dangerous because of the lighter -_-"
thank you and don always go out with guys ok, yeo xiu qin! behave urself!
till here.
will not be blogging anytime soon got lots of things to settle.
take care and good night everyone.
love love.
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