Firstly i am now working in Mei Zhen Xiang part time and Secondly i got a permanent new job which has very good pay!!!
I am so happy!!
I hope i can learn really fast and not be lazy anymore and i can stay for long time at this job!!!
If I can work up to 1 year in this job without any problem, I think i can go to Myanmar quite fast!!
Yippee i am bloody happy :)
Working in Mei Zhen Xiang is pretty fun because everybody is nice to me :)
Met up with Swee yesterday to eat Mya Nanda because we all wanted to eat the corn there.
The corn is super duper nice but sold out. So we went to buy upstairs and went to Mya Nanda to have our dinner.
Their food is really clean and nice.
The guy that sell betel is no longer working there so no more betel la!
Should stop naw!
Swee bought me Bubblegums. Its been such a long time i didn't eat them and i can't manage to blow it. Ta Ma De.
Try and try, in the end only can manage to blow when eat two together.
Damm funny la this picture! taken by Swee :P
Next time i will try to blow bigger.
.And good news!
My rabbit gave birth again -_-"
I seperated the parents but it still give birth. They must be having too much sex when i was in Korea.
So 5 new babies :)
Don't know its counted a joy or not but i enjoy feeding the babies. They are so cute!!
And my sisters are always helping me out because i will be the one screaming and shouting.
They are so cool! Its good to take brave sisters :P

More when I have time.
Heading down to Penansular again :P
Thats my favourite place la
Oh by the way, working in Mei Zhen Xiang is really cool too! So many cute customers and even the sweeper is damm cute with highlighted and rebonded hair. My god! What is this world becoming!! Even sweeper have money to rebond and highlight their hair.
And the secret to my previous post is .....
ME and MY dear Geniever Schweigher dye our hair to purple colour :)
Damm shiok la!! Her purple is really purple one la, my purple still mix a little red.
But i think by the time you see us! the Colour have already faded and lastly the hair dresser is very handsome.
tat tar for now.
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