Thursday, January 29, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I am back after a long long time!!
And its already the third day of new year :)
I hope this year is a nice year and I am very lucky it started off nicely!
Firstly, national library sent me the book. When i opened it up the first story of the book is mine! wowowow shocked me to death! My big name was at the top of the page! LOL
Rather shocked i must say!
Anyway it will be on sales after 10 of Feb at $12.90 but i think if you want to read it, no need to buy la, just borrow it from me ok. Save the money.
My parents was surprise i could write good english in the essay. LOL!!
Secondly, i got a job and i hope to stay at this job as long as possible. So that i have a stable income and go to Myanmar soon.
Thirdly, i dreamt of MT! Damm it one!!! i am trying so hard to forget and i dream of him LOL!!!
Fourthly, my rabbits are growing pretty well which makes me very headache because i have to give it away.
Anybody wants to adopt them ?
And the best thing is!
I got a good bunch of friends at Bee Chiang Hiang.
All the uncle, aunties, brother and sister!!!
Its the best thing that happened in the start of this year!
Its really very nice and happy to work with them and i hope i can work with them again!
Except for the tiring week before chinese new year :)
They are the best group of people i have worked with so far!
Less then one month of working, i get to know lots of nice people!
It helps to pass time faster when everybody there is so nice la!!
Even the cleaners at habourfront, the hairdresser (not tyson! damm it!) the shoe shop owner! LOL
Next time i don't think i want to go habourfront. LOL :P
Anyway, pictures below!
Uncle loon also know how to bai pose lol :P
Thursday, January 22, 2009
They are so great :)
Will be back with pictures ok :)
tat tar
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Counting down to New Year
Didn't update these few days because too busy working.
10am to 10pm!! Its the first time in my life working long hours like this.
But with my new friends there, its so bloody fun!!!
I can laugh for 12 hours without stopping!
I will try to post pictures of them la ok!
They are so fun people to be with and working in Bee Chiang Heng is really tiring but fun.
They really bring a lot of joy and fun.
And gen, thanks for visiting me almost everyday LOL
When you want to try sample again hahahaha
Counting down 8 days to Lunar new year and 7 more days to work with them!!
AWwwww i will really miss them after this period of working naw!!!
Went to take neoprint with Elton for our 16th. We took in advance because both of us were working on 16 and couldn't meet up
I like the pictures that we took :)
Esp this!
I almost thought they couldn't make it because stroke city manage to score one goal first and then beletti score penalty and MY DEAR DEAR DEAR LAMPARD SCORE A VERY BEAUTIFUL GOAL AT 93 MIN!!!!
But by right, Chelsea shouldn't let Stroke score that goal la! how can they anyhow anyhow let people score goal one! some more at home lay! Kns!
But anyway, at least they win at the very last minute by some luck!
Chelsea please buck up!!!!
I will love Chelsea always!
Man u is leading now but they will no lead all the way :)
Almost kanna draw la!
Chelsea is still the best la!
Enjoy everybody, be back soon :)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
No amount of money can buy happiness or somebody's smile.
She was so happy and kept thanking me throughout the whole day and even bought me one packet of High class Chocolate.
I felt very happy because i see her smiling so happily.
The feeling is so nice when you make somebody happy.
Bought clothes for my mum and dad because they always give me money when they know i didn't have enough money with me. They are always worried for me. I am 20 already and i still need to make them worried for me. My dad even gave me money to buy new year clothes because he knew my part time job was not earning much and very tiring. So instead of buying clothes for myself. I bought one for my mum, one for dad and one for Elton.
Elton is always around when i needed help :)
And then i go bankrupt again.
I remembered a few weeks ago i bought a bag for my grandma's sister.
We didn't see each other often after my grandma passed away.
When i went to her house to pass her the bag she was so shocked and happy. The smile and happiness i see from her face is really very warm and touching.
Just like my grandma when she smile and thanked me.
Actually there is so many things i wanted to buy and give to my grandma personally. But she is not here with me.
So I thought why don't i spend my money on somebody that is still well and alive and make that person happy.
My grandma love her sister so much so i think i ought to do the same and take care of her sister for her.
I miss my grandma so much.
I have so many things to tell her.
But whenever i face her urn, i don't have the courage to do so. I am so afraid i will break down in tears.
I hope she will be here to celebrate and spend every festival with me.
We could quarrel and laugh and joke together.
I still miss the food she cooks for me :)
I hope i will be eating her dishes instead of having packet food everyday.
Breakfast cant eat because always wake up late.
Lunch, packet food or fast food or cup noodle
Dinner, packet food or waffle.
Damm bloody pathetic.
I wish to share a cup of milo with her.
I wish she wore the clothes i bought for her.
I wish to bring her to eat Myanmar food with me.
I wish I wish...
She was here right beside me.
And the good news,
The letter i wrote to my grandma will be publish into a book.
Happiness man.
I hope she really gets to read it.
Its all written from the bottom of my heart.
She will be proud of me if she knows about it :P
Once again.
Here is it.
Dear Grandma,
A letter from earth to heaven.
A year have passed since you went to heaven, what you left behind are beautiful memories that will never be forgotten.
You are the most beautiful women god gave me.
You taught me things that teachers doesn't teach in school, Integrity.
You made me feel love out of little daily accommodations.
The porridge that you cook for me daily, the Milo that you share with me nightly.
The mid night movies that we secretly watched because you were afraid that mom and dad would reprimand me.
The snacks you share with me each night to make me grow fatter.
I miss the quarrels and arguments we had that will bring us closer thereafter.
The toothless smile you gave that will always brighten my day.
The happiness you gave from the bottom of your heart.
For the pass 18 years, you brought me up with tender loving care.
You shown me how forgiving one human's nature can be when you forgive grandpa for his wrong doings.
You gave me more things then i needed.
You shown me that if money can buy love, its not love anymore. Its pity.
You left me on 17th May 2007, this fateful day.
My heart felt so empty and lonely.
No words could describe the pain in my heart.
But i knew that no words could describe the pain in your suffering too.
I saw your sufferings through my bare eyes.
The way you wanted to scream but you can't.
I couldn't hold you back nor let you leave.
You are so lovable that I knew god wanted to have a piece of you so badly, he won.
Its the first time i saw grandpa teared when you breathe your last.
In front of your alter, i place a little cup of Milo.
I don't know whether you could ever drink that cup of Milo or when will we ever share the same cup of Milo again.
But i know i will be missing you always.
Deep down in my heart you will always be the grandma i once loved, always love, will be loving.
If we were ever to meet again. I'll tell you personally how much i treasure and love you.
Ever since you left, the orchid plant which you took care of is always blooming beautiful flowers.
Strangely, it was always bloom 7 flowers at a time. Dad is helping you to take care of it. Whenever we went to pray you, dad would pluck down the 7 flowers and place it on your urn.
I hope you did see that from heaven.
In the meantime, i will love grandpa like how i love you. I will take care of him just the way you took care of me. I will fill the loneliness you left him with my tender loving care. You have since forgiven him and so do I.
The love i have for you is unexplainable by simple english words.
Till then, when we next meet...
With Love,
Your little granddaughter.
My grandma will always be the grandma that i love. Now and forever :)
Thanks to national library for choosing my letter too :)
From this year on, I'll have to work really hard. I have been wasting too much of my time and this year is 2009 already. Its a brand new year. So i must work hard for what i want. I will.
Lets all progress together this beautiful year!
Huat ah!!!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Life is Fun
Somemore got aunty make green bean soup and then still have cake to eat. Damm bloody good!
Where to find the work place like that!
The people there are very helpful and whenever they see me having trouble they will rush to my aid :)
So sad that i will be leaving there in like 20 days time and going on to a new job.
Life is all about moving on, isn't it?
Met up with Swee and Kyawthu yesterday! I think they are super matching but they always disagree with me. LOL Swee bought me lots of bubblegums which are super nice esp the banana ones.
Saw Kyi Thar too.
Once i saw Kyi Thar i will remember about Manchester United. LOL
Beside Inle, now i found out about another resturant which sells delicious and clean food. Mya Nanda!! I love eating there esp when they have the corn but its always sold out! Damm it LOL.
Anyway, Life is good at the mean time.
Tonight, big game.
Man U Vs Chelsea
Chelsea must win, must win.
Drogba got play, sure win la!!!!!
Steady pom pi pi :)
*sings* tu rang hao xiang ni, ni hui zai na li~~~
I so fall in love with this song now.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Firstly i am now working in Mei Zhen Xiang part time and Secondly i got a permanent new job which has very good pay!!!
I am so happy!!
I hope i can learn really fast and not be lazy anymore and i can stay for long time at this job!!!
If I can work up to 1 year in this job without any problem, I think i can go to Myanmar quite fast!!
Yippee i am bloody happy :)
Working in Mei Zhen Xiang is pretty fun because everybody is nice to me :)
Met up with Swee yesterday to eat Mya Nanda because we all wanted to eat the corn there.
The corn is super duper nice but sold out. So we went to buy upstairs and went to Mya Nanda to have our dinner.
Their food is really clean and nice.
The guy that sell betel is no longer working there so no more betel la!
Should stop naw!
Swee bought me Bubblegums. Its been such a long time i didn't eat them and i can't manage to blow it. Ta Ma De.
Try and try, in the end only can manage to blow when eat two together.
Damm funny la this picture! taken by Swee :P
Next time i will try to blow bigger.
.And good news!
My rabbit gave birth again -_-"
I seperated the parents but it still give birth. They must be having too much sex when i was in Korea.
So 5 new babies :)
Don't know its counted a joy or not but i enjoy feeding the babies. They are so cute!!
And my sisters are always helping me out because i will be the one screaming and shouting.
They are so cool! Its good to take brave sisters :P

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
pictures as soon as i am free.
anybody wish to contact me can call me at my handphone after 10pm because during work i cant answer phone.
kyay zoo.
bought 3 new year clothes already LOL -_-"
waste money damm fast.
Chinese new year will be here in less then 20 days!!!
So excited for nothing!
enjoy 2009 :)
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Chinatown Lights Up :)
My Mum didn't know that yesterday it was the lighting up event at Chinatown so she treated everybody to dinner there.
We manage to catch the fire cracker ceremony just after dinner.
Kinda late around 8 plus.

So quickly!!

Today went to peninsular to eat with Swee at Inle.
Friday, January 2, 2009

You are so beautiful
Shining more brilliantly then the stars in the night sky
You hold my tired heart warmly
and your heart is at my home
The stong wind is in front of me
and come the morning of my love will lose
but please be patient
Do you know that u makes me cry
Because you are beside me
Your heavy shoulders pain my heart
and i can't really do anything for you
Change time with your beautiful hand
I haven't been able to protect you,
i'm sorry
I love you
I love you!
I know that i'm not good enough for you,
If you become tired in your lifetime
I will become your shelter
I love you
My gracious love
For all my life,
i will sing this song only for you
A love song
Let's sing it together
Two of us
La La La
Thank you, thank you
For all your love and all your care
Even as the world revoloves
Even as people talk
I will protect you
I love you
My precious love
For all my life i will sing this song only for you
A love story
Let's sing it together
Two of us
La La La
Your heart will be my home
La la la
Thursday, January 1, 2009

say bye bye to 2008!
let the bygones be bygones
AND YES i stay at home for the count down :)
didn't want to go Dragonfly because i think its really crowded so sorry naw Xiao yun :)
I think stay at home and watch tv is rather a good choice because traffic jam everywhere lay!
Yesterday me and Gen did something really crazy together :)
I shall keep it a secret because you will know it once you see us lar!! and she did it more crazily then me :P
The guy in the shop is handsome :) haha
I shall have my 2009 resolution now!
1. I hope i shall stop saying that every guy is handsome blah blah blah! Only say handsome when they look really handsome!
2. Be more serious and look for a proper job which earn a good income.
3. Hope everybody stay healthy and happy, i don't wish to attend anymore funeral wake.
4. Stop eating betel
5. Myo gyi to come to Singapore as soon as possible.
6. Save up enough to go to Myanmar as soon as possible.
7. Be happier
8. Stop scolding vulgarities
9. Chelsea's jacket pls come out soon
10 :)