MR WAI !@#$%^&*(*&^%$#@^$@
*you know who you are.
Tomorrow will be the first day of the 7th month which is HUNGRY GHOST FESTIVAL.
It so happens to fall on the first day of Aug too!!!
Chinese believe that during this month, all the ghost will be release from hell to come up to earth.
So along the streets, you will see lots of offering being made to all these wondering ghost.
Try not to steps on any offerings and touch anything of the things you see along the street.
Chinese also believe that during this month, don't swim in the night and lastly don't wonder off too late in the night. Strange things might occur.
Its best to be home by 11pm everyday.
Ah Mi Tou Fuu.
People usually give their offering on the 1st day, 15th day, and the last day of the 7th month.
The better-off people will usually offer 5 types of specialities for praying while the normal standard human would offer 3 types or at least burn some items for them.
All these depends on your financial stability. The more you offer, the more it gets.
Its just like donating money, if you are rich donate more, if you are not, also try to donate something.
You will see lots of performances going on along the streets of Singapore too. The performances are so called "GE TAI" (which means singing stage). They believe this is to entertain the "good brother" that have come up from hell to visit us.
Usually nobody sits on the first row of any of such performances because its for them. So please DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT RUSH quickly and sit at the first role because you see nobody sits on them. Its because the sits are for "them". God knows what will happen if you sit on the sit.
Another event held during the 7th month will be the "HAN BIAO" (shouting for bid).
This is when the organize take the "fortune item" out to bid. The higher price you bid the higher chance you will win. All contribution will be used for the "good brother" donations.
Anyway, I love 7th month !!!!!
I hope my grandma comes back to see me or something. Just let me see her for once, once.
I will try to take lots of picture during this 7th month.
ok, back to what i wanted to say.
As you know, i am from lion dance last time, i always get to see human in trance.
Don't know what i am talking about?
Human in trance meaning : different types of god possessing different human body. If that particular god wanted to come down to the earth, he would have to lent your body so that he can communicate or see those on earth. The god can also be summon to help people in need.
He will choose whose body he wanted to use during this process.
Last time when i see the whole process of this for the first time, i was so so so so so bloody scare. The normal human being will sit on the chair and slowly begin doing strange things, example : shaking the leg vigorously, nodding the head, jumping on the chair. When the god was fully possessed into the body, the human would act and walk the same way as the god he is in trance.
Lets say if he is in trance for monkey god, he would be running here and there acting like a monkey, scratching his ears. Depends on which god he is in trance for.
I remembered the first time i watch this, the lady was jumping a children god.
And she pointed at me and called me!!!!
Its so scary, i nearly fainted at the point!!!!!
she gave me some sweets. but still i wanted to faint kwar.
Normally the god will call you only when they want to give you something or they want to talk to you. You can also walk up to them and ask questions if you want.
From then on, i am never scare of it.
And it has become one of my hobbies to see people in trance. I always enjoy looking at different human in trance jumping different god. All the god act in different way. They walk in different ways and behave differently.
My favourite one would be this god below
Its called : DI YAH PEH. (second "uncle")
His brother is called DUA YAH PEH (first "uncle")
They are 2 god which are from Hell. One is white in colour and the other one is black.
White is tall and skinny
Black is short and fat.
The are in-charge of catching thieves from hell.
I never elaborate much about the god because my main topic is not about them!
Anyway this picture below is the monkey god.
Notice the number of flag it has behind him?
All the flags are pierce into his body using metal rods.
You see that later in the post.
Content below are not quite suitable for children viewing.
They pierce items into their body to prove their strength.

But after seeing it for long time, i feel nothing.
Just interested to see which god pierce bigger rods.
The pictures below are all taken from internet.
Its human in trance in Thailand.
All their piercing is much bigger and scarier then the ones you see in Singapore.
Singapore only pierce small small.
Thailand pierce big like shit!!!!!!
They pierce anything!!! from hammers to axe to durian to anything.
You name what, they pierce what!!!!!
The pictures are kinda of scary. Please don't stare too long time.
If i were to go to Thailand, i might faint.
They pierce anything.
I have videos on this, if you want you can borrow CD from me to watch the whole process.
Not suitable for weak heart.
Next topic.
Ghost marriage.
I didn't know ghost marriage exist until i read from SPI web site that a temple in Singapore does that.
So i went down to the temple for a walk.
All pictures below are taken from SPI.COM.
So this temple which is located in Singapore is called Seng Wong Beo Temple.
Its very near to Tanjong Pagar MRT station. If you want to pray or anything you can go to the temple to have a look. Its very nice, take close look at the decorations in the temple.
Notice the wall on the left and right after you have enter the temple. There is a protruding tiger on the left and protruding dragon on the right. The painting is still very intact and nice. No peeling paints or anything.
I don't think i can take picture in the temple so i didn't.
Ok ghost marriage. I always talk until out of topic.
I always thought ghost marriage was a history but now i realise its still going on in Singapore.
A country where i stay for 20 years without knowing this culture existed!!!
Ghost marriage is for single who have died without getting married so their parents hope to find them a suitable partner so that they can get married in the underworld.
This is the paper dolls which will represent the dead.

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