i totally forgot who was the first to wish me merry christmas.
but thank you for all the wishes and presents.
this year christmas was not a very big event.
in fact,didn't have celebrations. just stick with elton for 3 days.
elton took leave to accompany me.
we watch alvin and the chipmunks. super nice and funny show.
its been a long time since we been to the movies.
we hooked like 14 bears in total. call me crazy but i love teddy bears.
i don know why i am so addicted to them.
i threw my tables and chairs away just to find space for them.
my dad and mum hates them because they thinks that bear will bring dust and my room is dusty enough.
so every night now i am happily wrapping up my bears in plastic so that they will not turn dusty.
i even name them and my sisters thought i was ridiculous.
but i think my bears are happy in my room because they have so many friends around.
elton got me ukimono. LOL LOL LOL .
i am happily using it every night until i fall asleep with it.
its damm heavy and i don know whether it will work or not.
got him navigator because he was wanting to buy one since like hundred of years ago.
its quite fun actually. but i rather catch bear with that money. hahahaha
office celebrations was kinda quiet. i thought ang mo company would have big celebrations but no, they didn't.
we had mini party.
boss treat us to presto, which i strongly DO NOT RECOMMAND. $$$$$$56 for a two course meal which is barely enough to fill the stomach. its kinda like fine dining.
like a piece of meat and a few colour sauce around.
!@#$%^&* i so feel like cursing and swearing because the food did not taste delicious and with 56 dollars we could eat high class hotel buffet. -_-"
but anyway my boss very chin chai one. so our dept bought him a polo tee which he wear and look super sexy in it.
don play play, boss very handsome and macho one.
ate with ilice and group at hans.
lynn gave me facial mask, hand cream and tougue stud, which i super like. until now i didn't change into it, i scare later take out cannot put in.
anyway had a lot of mini exchanging of present.
and lots and lots of chocolate which makes me super duper fat.
non stop, until now everyday still got chocolate to eat.
new year is coming, jia liat man, later all the dress cannot wear!
pretty sister's surprise present which makes me go around the house looking for the clue when she is happily genting with her bf!
*she sew the glove herself. its really nice.
tell me i look like a boy can.

got gen a little gift.
receive her pretty card.
which is not so naggy like last year.
and no tevez or ronney pics! which means YAYNESS!!!
I think this is the nicest card i got from her.
thank you.
please meet up for football soon.
drogba is leaving for africa cup, miss him man.
u miss also right. haha

bought jessie out to shop.
first time bringing a kid out alone.
very fun but tiring.
little children are so innocent, eveything that she said make me laugh like crazy.
took neo prints with her.
pretty little girl.

ilice, jessie and me shared a ginger bread man.
i told ilice i wanted the backside, she really give me the backside!

sister went to genting with her bf.
bought me yue lao.
she thinks i don have enough trouble with guys still buy me yue lao.

i don like.
looks disgusting i think also taste disgusting.

brenda came back from taiwan bought me lots of goodies.
i like esp this cotton wool sweet which looks like pad.

very pretty looking pad.

she bought me tibits and facial mask too.
i suddenly have a craze for facial mask.
ever since brenda introduce me to the first mask, i seems so addicted to it.
i am going share it with elton.
esp the pad.

li siam came back from her volenteering work in sichuan and bought me a cute mini rabbit rubber band.
she forgot i cut my hair but i still can use.

myo zaw invited me to a countdown party at east coast but i turned him down and i feel so bad.
should i bring elton along and go together.
shall see shall see.
happy new year people.
love love.