oh well, i shall try next year. didn't have time to go back for lesson so far.
went to pray my grandpa and grandma for 7th month.
most of my cousins went.
andrew wore my shades and i think he loves it.
shall not tell him where to get it.
my sis and manfred.

i look very cool right?
time for imagine change.
ok next time i shall dress like hiphop as i promise sylvia. hahahahh
even the fake one cost like 17 bucks and real one 70 -_-"
just for the shorts.
decided not to buy.
went doby ghaut thereafter to find andrew's magic card but he decided not to buy.
so headed to pc bunk.
they force me to play counter strike with them.
damm boring! wan to sleep.
physco them to play L4D.
and yes played L4D blood harvest.
L4D is really nice! much nicer then CS even though they use the same control key.
and chelsea won 3-0 to burley
i bought 3/4 goals hence.
i won!!
its been a long time since i won football. or maybe since i bet football.LOL.
Sunday went to pray my maternal side.
i manage to carry my niece who rarely allows people to carry.
feel very proud of myself.
she is such a cuttie.
me and sis.
me and sis.