Monday, September 29, 2008
Soccer :P
So many goals!!!
Lucky i didn't bet because i didn't expect Valencia to beat Deport by so many goals.
And my love, MR DAVID VILLA score 2 goals!! I am so proud of him can.
HE is really a very powerful striker.
Too bad Valencia doesn't want to sell him and he doesn't want to leave Valencia :(
So can't watch him in BPL.
Chelsea is playing match against CFR on 02/10/08 for Champion lea.
Will it be AOS or not?
I don't even know what is this CFR thing.
Football weekly tomorrow, hope they give david villa poster or something.
Please don't give Ballack or Johnny or any other unwanted soccer player.
David Villa or Drogba will do.
Little Davidbeckham (05/09/08-27/09/08)
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Chinese garden
Sat went to Elton's niece charlet.
Eat until my stomach want to burst.
The BBQ is damm hot. Sweat like hell. Most of the time is Elton cooking.
From last time always people cooking for me.
Elton lar, Poh hwa lar, Ruina lar. normally i only do the eating part. hahha
Gamble a little and lose money to Elton's cousin which is like 13 years old!! MY buddha.
Suppose to be i cheat his money and then now become he cheats my money.
Went out of the Charlet to watch Arsenal match. Wat a disappointment.
My dear Walcott, febregas. Arsenal was such a letdown.
But i am so happy Chelsea went to top place again with a winning game of 2-0
Bye bye Gunners :P
I so love chelsea.
Reach home around 4am to take a bathe
Sun slacking the whole bloody day away. At night went to Chinese garden.
The tickets for the last day is only 7.50 instead of the usual 15 dollars. Save a lot!
But it was quite a waste of money because there was nothing much.
Been to chinese garden for the pass few lantern festival and felt that this year was really a disappointment.
Anyway, Hello kitty are really pretty but i love Mickey and minnie more.
Chip and Dale too!
Welcome to world of Hello kitty.
No pictures of Elton because he is the camera man of the day.
I cannot do that if not people will think that i am insane
Mine is monkey!
I don like frog, i like monkey.
Lucky its half the price if not its super duper not worth it.
Went to eat after that and watch the match Portmouth Vs Spurs.
I support Spurs more then Ports but Ports won by 2 goals (2-0). Petercrouch is damm rough ok.
I saw a handsome guy in Ports but i forgot the name.
Man city result was always quite shocking. Those who bought Wigan will have win big money by now.
Chelsea is still the best. Chelsea jacket please come out quick. ♥♥
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Haw Par Villa
Singapore Famous Haw Par Villa.
Now its not famous at all. nobody make visit to there anymore.
It will probably close down soon
Damm bloody hot and spider web everywhere.
I like this picture.
Me with Monkey.
I have always love Monkey since i was young.
My son love it!
Or mi hod!
I think that's his name in hokkien.
I don know about Chinese thou
Its laughing Buddha if i am not wrong. I have a pendent of it.
I always love this Buddha because it brings laughter and peace to everybody.
Anyway enjoy your weekends.
Off i go to Charlet so will not be back during weekends.
Remember to Miss me!
Will be back with photos!!! promise promise
Elton always buys lots of food for my rabbits. I think my rabbits love him to death.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Happy birthday Sylvia! I LOVE YOU ALWAYS! MUACK!
Its been 8 years we have been friends! During this 8 years, we went thru quite alot together.
You have basically seen every part of me. ( Including my ass!!! damm it!)
2nd bf together. LOL LOL LOL. I will always rememeber the night during charlet. LOL damm bloody funny.
I was sleeping in the middle of you and _ _ _ _ _ _. So i didn't get to cover the blanket ok! !@#$%^&*
Remember when we first met, i wasn't close to you because you belong to indonesia gang but i didn't know how come we became so bloody close during Sec 3.
I never regretted being the best of friend with you. You taught me a lot of things which i think you didn't apply it yourself. hahaha.
I remembered you pour curry sauce on me during my birthday in front of the public.
I remembered during your birthday, me and poh hwa was standing very far away when hedi, rendy and olivia sabo you.
I remembered carrying an egg in my pocket during class and water was flowing out of my pocket during lesson.
I remembered we throw rubber pieces at MR Arkam.
I rememebered you disturbing MR Arkam when we were walking and he turned back and said "Who". But he didn't manage to find out that it was you.
I rememebered get scolded by Miss Cheam because you ask me to show you my fingers.
I remembered Skipping classes with you (I know you wan to say i am the master mind)
I remembered you like to beat eng soon up.
I remembered our taste of guys and clothes will forever be different.
I will remember you for life.
Love you lots!
______________________________________ (FILL UP YOURSELF)
I sang this birthday song and played the piano for you ok!!! better love me.
And to show you how much i love you, i ask my sister to sing for you too. hahhahaha
We rehearse so many times and i ask my 2nd sister to sing along but she doesn't want.
love you!
My younger sister sing twice for you! happy or not!
Still dare to say she is very fierce during my chalet. LOL
i love you, sylvia.
You will always be a friend i will treasure for life. muack muack muack. WEEKLY ISSUE 324
Steven on front cover.
Liverpool really cannot do without Steven. He is really fit to be the captain of Liverpool unlike. Johnny. hahahhah
I forget to Thank Salomon Kalou for scoring that goal against Man u. If not Chelsea will have a lost match record.
So now Arsenal is leading in terms of points! DAMM IT!
Chelsea draw with Totterham and Man u.
I am so angry ok! Just watch and see, Chelsea wil take over you soon, Winger.
If Arsenal doesn't have Walcott, Febregas, Emmueal and Gallas i will be cursing the team by now.
Too bad they got lots of good attackers.
I feel rather sad for Totterham. They sold Ben and Robbie, lets see how well they can fair. Football weekly say they have Gomes( the goal keeper ) to save the team.
Sunderland is the next group that is doing really really well.
I don't know why but i see so many potential players in Sunderland.
I am spechless about MAN CITY. Just because they buy my Chelsea player Phillips and Robinho they became near to perfect. They can play the match winning by 6 goals. I watch that match and i was wondering what the hell is Middle doing!!! If middlebrough continue playing like that, i can predict they can go to division 1.LOL
There is a very porn picture at the 2nd last page.
My dear friend, Genieve told me about the porn pictures. LOL LOL LOL
When i have time i will scan it.
Its about Klose. (from bayer munich)
The best thing about this week football weekly is.
david villa is the most handsome in spainsh lea. hahahaha
Walcott is really damm talented.
I love walcott!
So i have to put him with his best friend
Gen, you must be boiling with blood now when you look at Febregas.
To me, Febregas is the best player in Arsenal. With him around in every match, Arsenal can easily make it to the top. But i think Winger like to sub him for 2nd half. Van persie to me is ok i don't really like Van persie when i see him in Holland. I don't like Holland fc player except sjider( i don't know how to spell) but he look like the guy from Prison break. Cool!
Anyway anyway. Chelsea you are the best!
i ♥ Chelsea
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Baby rabbits are 2 weeks and 3 days old :)
Ticketing OutletLoi Hein#04-66 Peninsula Plaza or you can get tickets from the cute ko chan!
Remember to go!
Look out of MgMgZawLatt, i think he is very cool but no Myo gyi :(
Once again i am in role Q with Swee le! ♥♥

Ok since i am very very free today.
I will write the story of my rabbits.
From day 1 up to today.
If you are feeling very bored, you can read it. If you are not bored, you must read it too.
I always love animals since young but my parents are very reluctant to let me keep pets. Firstly, i am very lazy. Secondly, the cost is not cheap. Thirdly, i am always not at home.
I have chickens, turtles, tor ties, hamster, fishes before.
They don't always last long. LOL.
Whenever they die, i will cry like hell.
But i can't do anything for them.
My chickens hunger to death because i didn't feed them (When i was 10 years old), My turtle drop into the toilet bowl and i gave away the rest, my hamster was given to my friend, fishes (my dad's).
So the decision to keep a pet was always on impulse.
Randomly, i thought of keeping a rabbit.
So i went Searching high and low for rabbits.
It take me quite a long time to finally decide to buy a rabbit.
With Elton's help, we got 3 rabbits.
*The 3 rabbits we bought are very cute right.
I carried them back on the motorbike. LOL
They are so cute. Supposedly to be 2 male and 1 female.
The White one with red eyes is suppose to the only female.
And please its not gangbang! -_-" Everybody was asking me if i wanted the female to be gangbang!
!@#$%^&*(*&^%$#@ NO!
I choose them according to the colour i like, not the sex!
Min thu please see this, NOT GANGBANG!!!!!!
Ok back to my story.
*See how cute they are.
*When they first came to my house, they cant even stand properly because their legs were rather weak.
Baby mah, have to learn how to walk.
This female rabbit died shortly because of i-don't-know what sickness.
It started breathing very heavily and it passed away.
I was so bloody sad. But i couldn't help it because i don't know what it was suffering from.
My sister and my dad bought it down stair to bury it, i could only cry and cry.
Her name was Chitchit. I name her chitchit because i thought it was a very beautiful name.
R.I.P Chitchit.
So i was left with 2 rabbits. The black and white which are males. (as told by the shop keeper)
So one day when i was happily sleeping on my comfortable bed, my dad ran into my room.
:"Wake up, Wake up, your rabbits give birth!!!"
I was half awake and a ran outside with my dad.
And as i look at the cage, i saw lots of small things lying on the cage.
I was shocked to death.
I on all the lights in my house and then i stare at the cage. I almost wanted to scream and run around the house.
I message everybody at 5am and started calling everybody asking for help.
No body's rabbit ever gave birth before!!!!!
So my father ask me to take out the babies from the cage and put into the box.
I was really shocked, i almost died of shocked and my dad still ask me to touch the unknown objects that are moving inside the cage.
I told him to take it out instead.
Dang Dang...
Little rabbits were out. 05/09/08
See their almost naked skin. I didn't want to touch them because they look like alien.

Can the rabbits be homo?
Can guy give birth??
She said on television that advance technology enable guy to give birth so my rabbit might also be the same.
I was rather shock by her statement.
I was let with no choice.
I called Elton and he told me to take the Rabbit's Dad out from the cage.
I was so lost and confuse at that time.
How do i feed the baby rabbits?
What do i do with the parents?
So many question on my mind.
But i have to tell myself.
I bought the rabbits.
I have to be responsible for their actions.
For their everything.
I have to take up the job of looking after the babies.
*Elton make me overcome the feeding milk part.
He thought me how to feed the little rabbit milk even though he is not very sure.
He gave me lots of encouragements and advices.
*Everybody dare to touch the babies except for me
I took my lots and lots and lots of courage to touch the babies but i know i have to do it. If not how can my babies survive if i don't feed.
So i took it.
I am very brave one. I am not scared of everything except ghost. LOL LOL LOL.

*And it started to grow fur.

Bigger and bigger.
*The become so cute, so adorable little bunnies that i cant bare to part with them.
I have to wake up now and then to check on them
See whether they are alright.
Feed them milk twice a day.
My feeling grew more and more for them
I love them just like my own children.
*See they are very pretty and nice and furry!
I shall introduce the rabbit family formally.
The mama and papa rabbit give birth to 7 rabbits but unfortunately one died because it was way too weak.
So i have 6 little bunnies left.
Everybody told me 6 bunnies was too much for me to handle so i persuaded my sister to adopt two little bunnies each.
So we each take care of 2 and i have to take care of 4 including the parents.
But up to date they have not take over the job yet because they are busy studying so i have to look after 8.
Looking after 8 bunnies is not funny. Its damm tiring but the love for the rabbits overcomes everything.
I love my rabbits so if anybodies steals them or touches them or do anything with them.
I will not hesitate to chop you up and cook watt thar hinn!
First up.
This bunny here adopted by my second sister.
She name him/her David Beckham(which is my ex, if you don't get the joke then forget it). LOL Its got a very cool hair style. Its forehead is bigger then the rest of the bunnies.
I haven't got a picture of the front view because i was too busy taking pictures of the other rabbits.
Next we have chicken chop.
He/she is mine. The skinniest among all the bunnies. The most active one.
I name it chickenchop because i am hungry at the time when i name it.
Chickenchop is rather a nice name, isn't it?
I love it. Chickenchop. LOL
Chickenchop is mine :P
Ma ma rabbit.
I love my rabbit family but buddha bless they don't give me more kids.
If not i will really really really faint!
Enjoy. TAT TAR.
By the way.
Arsenal is on top of Chelsea now. Chee sar naw!
How can Arsenal win Chelsea.
Although i like Walcott, Febregas, Gallas, Emmueal but in Chelsea
I like Lampard, Malouda, Drogba, Joe cole, Ashley cole, Essien, Ballack (forced to say), John terry (forced to say)
Alkena etc etc.
I LOVE SCOLARI not winger.
Htet myat i know you like Winger but Scolari is better, way better.
Chelsea please do well, do well.
Buddha bless them.